Seiken Tsukai no World Break (2015)
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A história de Akane Gakuen se passa em um colégio particular que reúne Saviors, jovens com lembranças despertadas de vidas passadas. Alguns deles são Shirogane que lutam contra os inimigos com armas e técnicas adquiridas a partir dos poderes Puraana de seus próprios corpos. Outros são Kuroma que acabam com os inimigos com a magia manipulando os poderes Maana que superam a física. Um menino chamado Moroha Haimura se matricula na escola. Ele é a primeira pessoa na história com vidas passadas, tanto Shirogane quanto Kuroma. Online
Elenco principal

Ayana Taketatsu
Satsuki Ranjou (voice)
Kaito Ishikawa
Moroha Haimura (voice)
Maaya Uchida
Haruka Momochi (voice)
Yui Ogura
Maya Shimon (voice)
Akira Ishida
Andou Suruga (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Katia Eskevna Honda (voice)
Chiaki Omigawa
Angela Johnson (voice)Midia
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- Videos

1 - The Reincarnater
Moroha begins classes at the Akane Academy because he has inherited mystical powers from a former life. While there he meets Satsuki and Shizuno, two girls who immediately find themselves drawn to him for various reasons.

2 - Dwell within My Sword, Magic Flame
Moroha and Shizuno join the Strikers. Satsuki is frustrated by her lack of ability, but one weekend, she faces down a Metaphysical at the shopping mall.

3 - The Netherworld Sorceress
Edward, one of the six Rank S Saviors, comes to Japan. Meanwhile, Shizuno refuses to talk about her past life, causing friction between her and Moroha.

4 - White Knight Assault
When Shizunos brother tries to bully her into studying abroad, Moroha intervenes by revealing that he defeated the Dreadnought Class Metaphysical without any assistance. This leads to a high-stakes duel between himself and Sir Edward.

5 - We Are the Summer
The Strikers go to a small island for a summer training camp, and Satsuki takes it upon herself to become a faster, more capable Savior. Meanwhile, the Head Six are preparing to meet regarding Morohas suggested promotion to rank S.

6 - We Are the Swords of Salvation"
A gigantic Metaphysical attacks just as the summer training camp is drawing to a close. Some members of the Head Six doubt Morohas abilities, and they see this attack as the perfect opportunity to force him to prove himself in battle.

7 - The Silver-haired Stranger
A new student arrives from Russia on exchange, immediately confessing her feelings towards Moroha. Moroha is accommodating, but Shizuno has suspicions.

8 - The Magic Sword and the Holy Sword
Lesyas true identity is revealed: she is a maneater -- an assassin. As they take swings at each other, Morohas holy sword awakens.

9 - Siberian line
Moroha challenges the Russia division to a fight on Lesyas behalf. With Edwards support, they arrive in Russia.

10 - Battle at Yekaterinburg
With some help from his friends, Moroha finally faces the Russian Terror on her home turf. But when her Dark Arts turn out to be as powerful as his, its unclear who will emerge victorious in this clash of titans.

11 - The Nightmare from a Former Life
The emergence of a Metaphysical delays Morohas departure from Russia. Little does anyone realize, a dark specter from his former lives is about to reappear in Japan, forcing everyone there to face it without his aid. The Metaphysical destroys everything in sight. Moraha gets informed about the Metaphysical and remembers both of his past lifes discovering that he lost both of the people he loved by the Metaphysical.

12 - Surpass Two Lives
The Saviors fight valiantly in what appears to be a losing battle against an unusually intelligent Metaphysical. When Moroha finally enters the fray, he finds it will take more than his powers alone to emerge victorious.