O Marinheiro Popeye (1960)
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Popeye the Sailor (Popeye, no Brasil) é uma série de desenho animado americana produzido pela King Features Syndicate TV que foi lançado entre 1960 e 1963 com 220 episódios produzidos. Os episódios foram produzidos por uma variedade de estúdios de produção e exibidos em sindicação de transmissão até a década de 1990. No Brasil, o desenho começou a ser exibida no SBT na década de 1980 sendo dublado no extinto estúdio Herbert Richers. Foi reexibida na RecordTV em 2007 e 2009 através no programa infantil Record Kids, foi reexibida também no canal Gloob em 15 de junho de 2012 (a inauguração no canal) e na TV Bandeirantes em 8 de outubro do mesmo ano. Online
Elenco principal

Mae Questel
Olive Oyl (voice)
Jackson Beck
Brutus (voice)Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Churrasco Pra Dois
Popeye quer ter um churrasco para dois - ou seja, ele e Olive. Mas Brutus, Wimpy e Swee Pea tentam entrar.

2 - Os Mísseis
Popeye, Olive e Wimpy fazem uma viagem involuntária para a lua, que é habitada por queijos e tiranizada pelo Big Cheese.

3 - Os Musculosos
Popeye e Olivia assistem Brutus o homem forte que se apresenta no carnaval. Os dois homens rapidamente se tornam rivais para a Olivia. Mas ela faz Popeye prometer não lutar.

4 - A Grande Corrida
Popeye em sua jalopy de junk-stack compete com Brutus em seu carro de corrida slick para ganhar uma corrida de cross-country. Brutus emprega uma série de truques sujos para manter a frente, enquanto mantém Olivia presa no tronco.

5 - Popeye no Oeste
O xerife Popeye captura o vilão Brutus McBride e joga a escória na prisão. Seu grupo de bandidos inicia um grande tiroteio na tentativa de libertar seu líder.

6 - O Monstro Louco
Popeye e Olivia se abrigam de uma tempestade no castelo de Mad Mueller. Mas o monstro de Mueller, Irving, faz um brilho para a Olivia.

7 - Homem das Cavernas
Popeye conta para Olivia a história de como seu ancestral Pre-histórico Popeye descobriu os poderes mágicos dos espinafres e parou o Brutus Pre-histórico.

8 - A Tourada
Popeye se opõe a como um touro está sendo tratado pelo matador na praça de touros, então, quando Olivia é pega pelo Touro, entre o matador e o touro, ele deve usar espinafre para salvar o dia.

9 - As do Espaço
Pires voadores aterraram, Olivia é infeliz o suficiente para ser capturada por um robô que procura seres humanos. Popeye deve assumir o controle da nave espacial salvar Olivia e levá-la para casa.

10 - Colega de Pancadaria
Olivia, a estudante universitária está apaixonada pelo professor Brutus e desprezando a falta de educação de Popeye, levando Popeye a se inscrever na faculdade.

11 - O Abominável Homem das Neves
Popeye ouve falar de abominações de aviadores de neve e, portanto, decide se levar a cabo para investigar.

12 - Os Esquiadores
É um inverno gelado, Popeye perturba um grande urso hibernando ao tentar impressionar Olivia com seus movimentos nos saltos de esqui.

13 - O Pirata Irado
Popeye e Olivia estão testando o barco novo em um passeio de relaxante, quando no oceano conhecem Jolly Roger, o pirata. Infelizmente, Roger gosta de Olivia. O pirata a rapta e coloca Popeye aos tubarões.

14 - Voa Voa Passarinho
Popeye e Olivia estão pesquisando a selva para o vulgar pássaro Foola-Foola. Seguindo por trás, Brutus também está caçando o pássaro, pois há uma recompensa de um milhão de dólares a quem o encontrá-lo.

15 - Uranium on the Cranium
Popeye and Olive set-sail to a desert island with a map citing the location of Uranium, unknown to them Brutus is already there, He plans on dressing like a gorilla and scaring them away.

16 - Cara Pálida de Duas Caras
Brutus se veste como um indiano nativo e reivindica a terra como uma reserva indiana depois que Popeye acha que a sorte procura por ouro no velho oeste. Popeye tenta vencê-lo em seu próprio jogo, vestindo-se como um índio também, declarando toda a guerra.

17 - Confusão Infantil
Brutus força Popeye na máquina de envelhecimento dos professores, transformando-o em um filho de 2 anos.

18 - Confusão no Velho Oeste
Popeye volunteers to stand guard to protect Poopdeck Pappys ranch, a rustler tries to get rid of Popeye but is driven mad by his ability to reappear right after hes been lassoed, tied up and even thrown off a cliff.

19 - O Atleta
Olive sees Brutus showing his athletic prowess at a track meet, Popeye gets jealous, runs on to the field and starts competing himself.

20 - A Bola de Cristal
Wimpy has acquired the SeaHags crystal ball, he is using it to bet on sporting events. Brutus realizes this and steal the crystal ball. Popeye gets suspicious, so sets a trap to get the ball back.

21 - Perigo no Mar
Brutus sinks to a new low in both greed and criminal activity by trying to abduct little Sweepee from his family.

22 - Perigo no Mar
As Popeye and Olive relax on their new boat The Miss Olive someone swims beneath stealing items from right under their nose. Luckily Brutuss boating store has a seemingly endless supply of stolen item replacements.

23 - Loucura do Espaço
A giant space magnet connected to the top of an astronomers observatory pulls stuff from outer space to earth. One day it also pulls leather jacket wearing space greasers from Mars.

24 - Dupla Visão
Popeye is jailed for committing a bank robbery which he insists he didnt commit. He must prove he didnt do it. In a seemingly unrelated subplot, two thugs build a Popeye robot to do their bidding.

25 - A Sopa Do Gugu
The citizens are revolting, they want a new king, someone sweet like Sweepea! Professor Wotasnozzle suggests making a soup out of Sweepea is the best way to become just like him.

26 - O Grande Roubo
Popeye, Olive, Wimpy, and Swee Pea, set-sail to The Sea Hags island, She has kidnapped Eugene, the Jeep. Unknown to them The Sea Hag is following in her submarine waiting for an opportunity to remove all spinach from Popeyes boat.

27 - A Cidade Perdida
The Professor, Popeye and their assistant Brutus are searching for the lost city of Bubble-On. Popeye is suspicious, he thinks Brutus is more interested in taking the cities treasure than documenting scientific discoveries.

28 - Não há Lugar como o Lar
Brutus beats up an alien he sees walking down the street, thinking its Popeye on the way to Olive Oyls fancy dress party. The alien retaliates by trying to blow up the earth, Popeye and Brutus team up to stop him.

29 - A Loção Poderosa
Someone has sent Popeye a present, he opens it to find shaving lotion, thinking its something Olive Oyl has bought for him he puts it on. From that moment everyone hates him.

30 - Astronauta Biruta
Popeye is undergoing a series of government tests, one of which involves using spinach to travel in a rocket at the speed of light. Meanwhile at home Brutus moves in on Olive.

31 - Querer é Poder
Popeye is called by a lawyer who tells him that he and Brutus are the beneficiaries of someone they know. And that hell be reading the will at noon. And if one of them is not there at noon they will forfeit the inheritance. So Brutus tries to keep Popeye from getting there at noon.

32 - Vamos com Calma
Popeye and Brutus are rival artists, each of whom wants to win a magazine contest for the best original flower painting.

33 - A Escultura
Olive is a sculptor and puts an ad in a shop window asking for a model. Popeye and Brutus both offer their services. Olive tells them shes not looking for someone who is strong and healthy but someone who is worn and tired. So both Popeye and Brutus try to mess themselves up but one of them always stops the other.

34 - As Pulgas Adestradas
Popeye is showing off his stage act, a flea circus, Brutus is tired of hearing the rave reviews about it so destroys the act by setting a dog loose on stage.

35 - A dor de Cabeça do Popeye
Olive insists that Popeye babysit her Niece while she goes out, Popeye hasnt slept for 6 days and begins to fall asleep on the job, he gets put in a dress and Olive takes offence thinking hes making fun of her.

36 - Popeye do Egyto
Popeye, Olive and Wimpy accidentally walk to Egypt, Olive is Kidnapped by Egyptians and taken to the temple below a Sphinx, Popeye goes to rescue her and Wimpy does what he does best, cook the hamburgers.

37 - O Grande Espirro
Popeye, Olive and SweePea are on a skiing trip in the French Alps. But the vacation goes sour when someone steals Olives raccoon coat.

38 - O Último Recurso
Popeye, Olive and Wimpy Dimpy Doo find themselves in a spooky mansion Inn, full of apparent ghostly goings on. It turns out The Sea Hag is using the Inn as a hideout for printing counterfeit money. Jinkies!

39 - O Xerife
Poopdeck Pappy entertains Swee Pea by telling him about his adventures in the old west. Popeye thinks hes lying and Pappy tries to prove its true, which leads to Popeye rescuing him a lot.

40 - Bebê Trabalhoso
Popeye drifts off to sleep while reading a book about juggling. He dreams SweePea is the star juggler in a circus and is under the contract of a Brutus like ringmaster.

41 - E o vento levou pra Longe
Olive is captured and taken to Goonland to marry the Goonking, Popeye is caged and his can of spinach is taken from him. The situation is looking grim all round.

42 - Insultando o Sultão
Popeye and Olive break up after a bitter argument. In a rage, Popeye joins the Foreign Legion. Meanwhile, a sultan decides Olive will be his 75th wife.

43 - O apanhador de cachorros
Olives new dog is taken by Brutus the dog catcher, Popeye dresses up in a dog costume to save her. A chase takes place, Popeye escapes still dressed up as a dog, confusing Brutus, who thinks hes seen a talking dog.

44 - Vozes do Além
The Sea Hag has an entire island believing that she is the god from the deep, her plan is to get rid of the natives and open an expensive villains resort. Chief Knucklebone, who is not convinced, summons Popeye to investigate.

45 - Astro de Cinema
Brutus is an egotistical French director making a film about Antony and Cleopatra, starring Popeye and Olive Oyl. But Popeye may not survive the production.

46 - Os castores teimosos
Popeye visits the local stream for a relaxing swim but is surprised to find a couple of dam-building beavers. A battle begins and eventually Popeye admits defeat and goes for a swim in the beavers reservoir.

47 - O grande jogo
Its a big Baseball game between Popeyes team and Brutuss team, with Wimpy as the umpire what could possibly go wrong. Olive is rooting for Popeye, at least she is at first.

48 - Deserted Desert
Popeye Journeys to the Lost deserted desert in a quest to find The Lost Dutchmans Mine and its rumored contents, golden nuggets. Brutus is of course also in the desert waiting to steal the goldmines treasure.

49 - Os mergulhadores
Popeye and Brutus are diving for buried treasure, Brutus however has more than sunken treasure in his eyes, he spies the lovely mermaid Olive Oyl.

50 - O posto de gasolina
Popeye is now the manager of a service station, he provides a good service with free extras. Brutus comes along only wanting the free extras, including free access to another customer, Olive Oyl.

51 - A lanchonete
That bad daddy-o Brutus gets the upper hand on Popeye in their rivalry for Olive by catering to her sudden decision to become a beatnik. Can the groovy cool cat defeat the hot dog?

52 - A academia de correção física
Come to Popeyes gym, everyone from Brutus to Wimpy welcome. As the commercial says, he Builds the flat and reduces the fat.

53 - O observador de pássaros
To stop Brutus and Popeye fighting over her, Olive Oyl suggests that they take up a hobby, like bird watching. Popeye likes this idea but Brutus would rather watch other things.

54 - Recuo do Tempo
Popeye goes back to the caveman days in The Professors time machine. When he gets there he finds Caveman Wimpy trying to catch a cow and Olive in need of saving from Caveman Brutus.

55 - Na briga dos caipiras
Olive and Popeye drive for an outing in the mountains and meet up with the McGoofs and the Hitchfields feuding and get themselves involved. Popeye eventually bests both clans and stops the feud.

56 - A loja de animais do Popeye
Popeye the pet store owner likes to keep his customers satisfied. Olive, Wimpy and SweePea come buy pets and leave satisfied. Someone then kidnaps all their pets. Popeye dons a dog disguise and tries to find the culprit...... in a suprise twist, Its Brutus.

57 - Ballet de espinafre
Brutus make fun of Popeye for donning a ballet costume and taking to the stage with Olive.

58 - Os impostos da bruxa
The Sea Hag tries to tempt Popeye and Wimpy into a life of piracy.

59 - Escassez de espinafre
Brutus is a business tycoon who corners the market on spinach, causing a shortage that makes it impossible for Popeye to find any.

60 - Popeye e o dragão
Popeye buys a suit of armor, hires a horse and goes off to save Princess Olive from a dragon.

61 - Popeye o bombeiro
Wimpy see Olive calling for help from a smoke filled hotel room, fireman Popeye is called out to save her, it turns out to be smoke from Mr Brutuss cigar.

62 - A brava família
Things arent going to plan at Popeyes pizza Palace, Wimpy as usual is trying to get a free lunch while Brutus constantly asks for pizza topping which are not on the menu.

63 - A pizzaria do Popeye
Popeye tells Sweepea all about the olden days when his ancestor, captain Popeye ruled the seas. The adventure he recites involves Captain Popeye saving Wimpys ship from the evil Pirate Brutus.

64 - O Faroleiro
Olive Oyl visits Popeye at his lighthouse. Brutus is an unwelcome tag-along who proves worse than worthless when a shark causes trouble.

65 - Popeye e o fantasma
Popeye is haunted and taunted by a mischievous ghost who steals his spinach.

66 - O picnic do Popeye
While out on a picnic Olive and comes face to face with a giant bull while Popeyes car gets a flat tire.

67 - Fora deste mundo
Popeye uses The Professors time machine to take Olive, Swee Pea and himself on a trip to the moon. When there they find its just like earth. .. No reason is given to how or way its no longer populated by little cheese people, presumably the moon men killed them all and stole their land.

68 - Madame salame
Big hairy Madam Salami tells Olive that in order for Popeye to prove his love he must be able to perform several impossible acts. The bearded Madame Salami is then astounded when Popeye manages to perform the feats.

69 - Popeye lenhador
Popeyes a lumberjack and hes alright, he works all day and sleeps all night. Brutus is also a lumberjack, he steals Popeyes trees and his best gal, Popeye ends up tied to a tree heading for the chopper.

70 - Trabalhando nas alturas
Brutus hires Popeye to Build on his site It comes to beatings as both of them fight.

71 - Popeye, o detetive
Popeye, Olive and The Jeep are hired to search for someone smuggling diamonds by boat. Discriminating based on previous offenses Popeye suspects Brutus and his pickle importing scheme are a cover.

72 - Olívia chapeuzinho palito
Little Olive Riding Hood is delivering hamburgers to her sick friend, Mr. Wimpy. The Sea Hag wants those hamburgers for herself.

73 - Olhar hipinótico
Brutus hypnotizes Olive into falling in love with him. Then he hypnotizes Alice the Goon into falling in love with Popeye.

74 - O cavalo de Troia
A sawfish, a Trojan horse, two princes and a damsel in distress figure in Popeyes storybook tale to a skeptical SweePea.

75 - Alice, o monstro
Alice the Goon is terrorizing a small town. Popeye decides he wants to try and catch this monster, legend has it that just looking at Alice will make you so scared that you will turn white and stay that way forever.

76 - A batalha musical
A classic cartoon duel in music, Olive, The master of ceremonies presents Popeye - the modern music master and the Bach of the Backwoods - Brutus.

77 - Rumo ao oeste
Popeye tells Sweepea the tale of Grandpappy Popeye who accidentally joined the prairie schooner, a wagon train, thinking it was a ship.

78 - A piscina do Popeye
When the heat is so unbearable and being nagged by Olive and Swee Pea, Popeye decides to build his own swimming pool. His neighbour Brutus wants to use it but Popeye wont let him.

79 - Jeep Jeep
Sweepea makes a new friend, Eugene the magic future predicting Jeep, Brutus realizes that the Jeep can answer questions about the future and plots with The Sea Hag to Jeepnapp him.

80 - A peça do museu
Popeye is the custodian of a museum. He gets involved with an art thief named Brutus.

81 - O jogo de golfe
Popeye, Wimpy, Olive and Brutus compete against each other in a golf tournament.

82 - O restaurante do Dudu
Wimpy leaves Popeye in charge of his hamburger wagon while he goes to the bank. The villains wreck the place.

83 - O meteorologista
Brutus is after Popeyes job as a weather forecaster.Through sly tricks, Brutus gets Popeyes weather predictions fouled up.

84 - O chapéu mágico
Brutus, the magician, involves Popeye in his act. He makes him appear ridiculous to the audience. Popeye gets mad, fights Olive, stops the fight and gets involved in a magic act too. Jeep is part of Brutus act. A magic wand turns characters into various animals until Popeye manages to get the wand. This leads to a big fight in a magic hat between Brutus and Popeye.

85 - Popeye e o gigante
Wimpy eats grow pills and becomes a Paul Bunyon-like freak in a carnival. Brutus, the carnival owner, cannot make money on Wimpy -- he eats too many hamburgers. Brutus finally leaves Wimpy in Popeyes care. Popeye, with the help of Swee Pea and Swee Peas chemistry set, invent a reducing pill to bring Wimpy back to normal.

86 - O bandido do oeste
Brutus, the most feared desperado of the early west, robs a train and comes to a town called GRAVESTONE FLATS, where he tangles with Popeye, the Sheriff.

87 - O caçador de baleias
Popeye tells Swee Pea the story of how he once sung baby whales to sleep. The bedtime story is about the ship, Morpheus, its skipper, Captain Brutus, and Popeye, the harpoonist. Popeye refuses to harpoon a big mama who shipwrecks the Morpheus. Swee Pea wants to know how Popeye got off the island.

88 - Popeye e o pão de espinafre
Popeye climbs a giant spinach stalk and finds that Brutus the giant has kidnapped Olive and Eugene the Jeep in this skewed retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk.

89 - Torneio de paraquedismo
Olive wants Popeye to win the championship parachute jump. Brutus also enters, Popeye starts to fall fast, but lands on top of Brutus parachute.

90 - Tigre Burguer
Popeye and Wimpy are in deepest darkest India, the natives are terrified of a man-eating tiger named Conga. Popeye wants to capture but Conga grabs Wimpy first.

91 - O pistoleiro
Brutus the cattle rustler goes to Wimpys food wagon for breakfast, he wants ham and eggs but find Wimpy only has hamburgers. Brutus decides to swipe eggs from Popeyes all american chicken ranch.

92 - Olívia de neve e os sete Gugu;s
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Princess named Olive Drab. A shipment of gold meant for the castle is stolen by the Sea Hag. Olives father sends her after Prince Popeye to retrieve the gold. Olive enlists the aid of the seven Swee Peas. Together, they find Prince Popeye and he battles Sea Hag to get back the gold.

93 - O farol do cabo
The Sea Hag has kidnapped Swee Pea and sent her vultures after Popeye.

94 - Nas ruinas astecas
Olive, Popeye and Jeep are at the Aztec ruins in Mexico. They discover that the Jeep can read the carvings, which starts them on a quest for Aztec treasure. Brutus, their Mexican guide, appropriates the Jeep to find the treasure.

95 - Sapatinhos verdes
Olive is a poor girl who lives in the wood, her sailor sweetheart, Popeye, is also poor and can not afford to take her dancing. While walking in the woods Olive meets the Sea Hag who trades a pair of her dancing shoes for a sea shell. The shoes are cursed and force Olive to dance forever without stopping.

96 - Poupe essa árvore
Popeye tries to protect an historical tree, Brutus, the woodsman, tries to cut it down.

97 - O alegre gladiador
Popeye is transported by the time machine to the center of the Coliseum in Rome, Brutus Nero, is annoyed by his girlfriends interest in Popeye. He makes Popeye battle gladiators, lions and himself.

98 - O toque especial
Popeye is king who is noted for making his people happy by giving them everything. He is therefore very poor. Popeye receives the golden touch by wishing on a star and summoning a jeep, who warns him beforehand that it will not make him happy. Popeye wants to be rid of the golden touch. The jeep makes him stop the Sea Hag from chasing Jeeps first. He does it with the help of spinach and lives happily ever after.

99 - Pescaria de hamburguer
Wimpy catches a cow, who is really an enchanted princess. She grants him three wishes for letting her go, but the Sea Hag demands he use the wishes to make gold.

100 - O grande mecânico
Popeye buys a do-it-yourself kit and makes a mechanical servant. It continues its mechanical duties all through the night, pouring tea on Popeye, mixing salad in his mouth and tossing other items. It lights a match, causing Popeye to awaken blowing flames. Popeye ends by putting the mechanical servant in workshop vice. Popeye then does his own house work in an uncomplaining manner.

101 - O barco a vapor
Popeye tells Swee Pea the story of building the first steamboat, Popeyes Folly, Brutus, the captain of the windjammer challenges Folly to a race.

102 - O carro velho do Popeye
Popeye arrives at Olives house to take her for a walk. She refuses and rides off with Brutus in his new car. Popeye goes to Wimpys used car lot, and Wimpy sells him a car.

103 - Madame Butter Palito
Popeye reads Swee Pea a Japanese fairytale. Popeye, Wimpy, Olive and Brutus are all used as characters.

104 - Popeye e o dragão polite
A dragon steps out of sweepeas storybook, he tries to be kind and helpful, but sneezes fire and the whole house goes up in flames. It ends with Popeye holding Swee Pea in his lap in charred remains, reading fairytale book.

105 - O Patinho Feio
Popeye shows Swee Pea a picture of himself, Olive and Brutus when they were children, he says that he was called the Ugly Ducklin. One day after being bullied by Brutus for being very, very ugly, popeye set sail to a small island inhabited by goons, they were friendly and fed him sea spinach. The spinach made him powerful and very close to being handsome.

106 - O chá do Popeye
Popeye is sent back in time to The Boston Tea Party. The local residents are fed up with being overtaxed, so they plot to throw the tea overboard into the sea.

107 - O vagabundo que ficou ganancioso
Once again Popeye tells Sweepea a fairy story using his friends and family as characters. Brutus is the troll.

108 - O salvavidas
Popeyes a lifeguard and all the girls on the beach are falling for him. Olive is jealous and tries to get his attention by diving off a pier and yelling help! Popeye rescues her and is very angry because she took him away from all the girls.

109 - Popeye na floresta
Popeye and Wimpy camp to the woods for peace and quiet but Wimpy wants to cook hamburgers.

111 - Popeye e o Amigo Brutus
Brutus asks Popeye to be his skin diving buddy. Popeye agrees. Popeye finds an ancient western sea cow town. Popeye finds gold, Brutus takes half, then hits Popeye and takes Popeyes share. Wimpy is fishing and catches Brutus on his line. The episode ends with Wimpy having his picture taken with Brutus hanging beside him like a big whale.

112 - Lavadora de Carros
Popeye opens a car wash. Brutus has a car wash across the street. When Olive brings a long convertible to Popeye to be washed, Brutus mixes the controls and Olives car comes out shrunken to midget size. Olive is burned up and Brutus takes her across the street to his beautiful Brutus Beauty Bath. Olive swoons over Brutus and he chases her. Popeye comes to the rescue and gets the worst of it. Then he eats spinach. Popeye knocks Brutus car wash apart and it settles back to Brutus junk yard. Brutus lands in front of Popeyes Car Wash in the form of a statue spraying water from his mouth and ears. Popeye and Olive hop in the car and drive into his car wash singing.

113 - Aventura no Deserto
Popeye travels to Egypt in the hopes of recovering a rare gem and bringing it to the USA.

114 - Encanador
Popeyes attempts to fix Olives leaking pipework leads to an escalating series of disasters that culminate in flooding all of New York City.

115 - O ladrão de Araquem
Wimpy, a night watchman in a herring factory, gets a cold and asks Popeye to take over. He hears strange noises and starts investigating, many hijinx follow and Brutus turns up.

116 - Popeye, o invisível
Olive accidentally switches on the Professors time machine, which takes her to a bizarre Mars-like planet. Popeye takes invisibility pills and goes to rescue her.

117 - O ovo quadrado
Swee Pea has a square egg, did he find it or did he lay it? However he got it (Porabably from Popeyes chicken ranch) its very rare and valuable.

118 - A lenda da ilha monstruosa
while at the beach Popeye tells SweePea a tall tale that explains why the sea is salty.

119 - A fábula do jeep
Popeye is telling SweePea a fairytale about a mama jeep and her four children -- three good girls and a mischievous boy named Jeepers. One day they go to eat spinach in the good farmers garden. Jeepers goes into the bad farmers garden and eats weeds. The farmer catches Jeepers and locks him up, but mama rescues him that night. The next day, the bad farmer tries to chop down the jeep tree, but mama jeep foils him completely. Afterward, the good farmer invites them over for more spinach.

120 - O supermercado
Olive, Popeye and Wimpy are shopping at a Supermarket where Brutus is manager.

121 - O velocino de ouro
Popeye goes back in time to ancient Greece. The king, mistaking him for Hercules sends him to capture the Golden Fleece. Zeus isnt happy about this and send out wave after wave of thunderbolt rain!!!

122 - Empregado de escritório
Olive convinces Popeye to become a white collar worker. Popeye is hired as an insurance agent. His first assignment is to sell a policy to a stunt man. Popeye follows him on all his stunts, trying to get him to listen to his pitch. Popeye is getting the worst of it. The stunt man is so happy he did not have to take the falls himself, he signs the policy. The episode ends with Popeye bandaged from head to toe being wheeled into the insurance office by Olive to tell the boss he made the sale.

123 - Gugu Através do Espelho
Olive Oyl asks Popeye how the mirror was broken. He tells her that Swee Pea was wondering what was inside the mirror so he walked through it and found himself in a meadow. Swee Pea fell into a hole and found himself in a small house. He ate some pills and grew very tall. Then he ate a different pill and returned to normal size. Outside, he found a garden where Queen Sea Hag and King Brutus were playing croquet, using Jeeps for balls and vultures for mallets. He refused to play so the Queen ordered him killed. He escaped through the mirror. To prove that Swee Pea could not possibly have gone through the mirror, Popeye crashes into it and it breaks.

124 - O cavaleiro negro
Popeye is transported back in time (AGAIN!) to the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. While there he is challenged to joust by Black Knight Brutus.

125 - Caçada na selva
Popeye, Olive and Brutus go on a safari in Africa hunting the big game, while In the jungle, Popeye and Brutus compete to get Olive a tiger skin.

126 - A grande caça ao dragão
King Blozo is upset that the minster Silky (so called because of his silky smooth mode of speech) has all the subjects in his kingdom addled. Blozo calls upon his noble varlet, Popeye, to get rid of the beast. However, when he does, Silky sweet-talks the King into letting him be.

127 - Rip van Popeye
Popeye is reading a bedtime story, Popeye imagines himself as Daniel Boone tied to the railroad tracks by Indians. He awakens when the train falls on him in an attempt to escape.

128 - Aventura no Mississippi
On a Mississippi riverboat, the villainous Jean Baptiste le Brute chases Olive, demanding a mysterious letter. Olive gives it to Popeye so that the brutish le Brute cant get it.

129 - A grande corrida
Popeye and Brutus compete in a cross-country foot race to Los Angeles and back. The winner is to receive a date with the lovely Olive Oyl. However, during the race, Brutus resorts to cheating to try to win, but Popeye sees through his tricks and wins the race and the date with Olive.

130 - Olívia, a modelo
Olive wants to have her picture taken for a fashion magazine, Popeye and Brutus fight over who will take the pictures.

131 - Aminésia
Popeye, Swee Pea, Olive Oyl and Wimpy all switch voices. Brutus then enters and the plot becomes even more entangled.

132 - O papel de parede
Olive wants her house re-wallpapered, Popeye and Brutus get into a dreadful mess whiel doing the job.

133 - Popeye, o treinador
Popeye tries to teach Swee Pea about the importance of good sportsmanship.

134 - Popeye colombo
Popeye is transported back in time to the days of Christopher Columbus.

135 - Popeye, Revere
Popeye tells Swee Pea about his Great-Great-Great-Grand Pappy Poop Deck Revere.

137 - Pra sempre Ambergris
Popeye is babysitting Swee Pea, he tells the story of where Olives perfume comes from.

138 - Popeye de Leon
Popeye decides to give Swee Pea a history lesson and tell him about his grandfather Popeye De Leon.

139 - Popeye, o pescador
Popeye tells Swee Pea about a hungry fisherman who catches a cow that looks live Olive.

140 - A corrida com barreiras
Olive wants Popeye to enter a steeplechase so he purchases a horse from Brutus.

142 - O transportador de piano
Popeye and Brutus are piano movers; Olive Oyl is the owner of a piano that needs moving; and Wimpy is a traffic cop who takes chase when Popeye and the runaway piano tear down the street.

143 - O jantar
Popeye is to be honoured at a dinner for his brave deeds, Brutus tries to besmirch Popeyes outstanding record.

144 - A Volta ao Mundo de Oitenta Maneiras
Popeye and Brutus take part in a race around the world to win a barrel full of money. Numerous mishaps follow.

145 - A oficina de consertos
Brutus becomes jealous when Popeyes business appears to be doing very well. When Olive needs something fixed, Brutus tries to discredit Popeyes ability to fix things.

147 - O fantasma
While out driving, Popeye and Olive must take shelter from the rain in an old house on a hill. Unbeknownst to them, it is the Haunted House (Strangers Welcome), and they are mercilessly harassed by three ghosts until Popeye eats his spinach and drives them out of the house.

148 - Boliche e espinafre
Popeye takes Olive Oyl out for some bowling lessons, only to find ol Brutus up to his mischievous shenanigans. Brutus finds out that Popeye has a date to take Olive bowling. Brutus rushes over to Olives house to tell her that Popeye has a date with a blonde, and that he asked him to keep the date with Olive. Popeye arrives in the nick of time, and Brutus laughs it off as a gag. While Popeye is teaching Olive how to bowl, Brutus messes things up- unbeknownst to them- until Popeye catches him in the act. Popeye eats his spinach, then chases and catches Brutus. Popeye shapes Brutus into a bowling ball, which Popeye throws, knocking over a row of ashcans.

149 - O jeep sapeca
Olive asks Popeye to mind SweePea while she goes to the beauty parlor. Popeye has difficulty keeping SweePea amused when a package arrives for him. Opening the mysterious box, Popeye finds Eugene the Jeep, which is a birthday present. While he puts the Jeep through some magical tricks that the note explains, SweePea crawls out of the house. When Popeye discovers that SweePea is missing, he employs the Jeep to find him. The jeep leads him on a wild goose chase, and he saves SweePea from a precarious spot. Unbeknownst to him, the Jeep takes SweePea home. Olive comes back, and finding SweePea alone, she blames Popeye for it when he zips back to the house.

150 - O entendido em espinafre
Olive tells Popeye that shes through with him unless he goes back to school and gets an edumacation. Popeye enrolls in school and he is placed in the eighth grade. Popeyes many educated guesses cause him to become the laughingstock of the entire school. Each time that he attempts to answer a question in class, hes demoted. Poor Popeye cant cut it and goes through each class (from high school to kindergarten). Here, hes asked to spell CAT. In desperation, he eats his spinach and spells it right, thus graduating from kindergarten. When Olive meets him after school, he brags that getting an education was very easy- he went through the whole school in one day.

151 - Um caso de cuca
Brutus convinces Olive that Popeye must be cured of fighting over the least provocation. and he recommends a psychiatrist. When Popeye comes to visit Olive, she drags him in a confused state to the doctor to help him cope with his fighting habits. The sailor takes the talking cure to determine the root of his aggressive behavior. The psychiatrists diagnosis is that spinach is the cause of his fighting neurosis. But doesnt Professor Ed Shrinker look a bit like Brutus? When Popeye reluctantly throws away his can of spinach, the professor reveals himself to be Brutus, and he proceeds to beat the daylights out of Popeye. Olive feeds Popeye the spinach in the nick of time and turns the tables on Brutus. This cartoon includes flashbacks to Popeyes childhood, including a young Olive and a kid Brutus.

152 - Pobre rico pobre
Wimpy inherits a million dollars and lives it up in a grand style with an English butler. He decides to double his fortune by waging his fortune in a boxing match, betting on Kid Nitro to beat Popeye in a prize fight. To insure his investment, he manages to referee the bout. In the ring, Wimpy and his butler pull dirty tricks on Popeye to make sure that he doesnt win. When Popeyes finally knocked out, Wimpy doesnt have the heart to count his friend out in spite of his bet. Before the count of ten, he feeds Popeye his spinach, and Popeye quickly disposes of Kid Nitro and Wimpys newly-found fortune.

153 - Gugu vai cortar os cabelos
Popeye takes SweePea to the barber for a haircut but hes to scared and wont remove his hat. So Popeye tells him the story of Samson, the man who believed he got his strength from his long hair.

154 - O pai do Gugu
After losing SweePea to a circus performer who passes himself off as the boys long-lost father, Popeye goes through so much depression that he starts to act like a baby.

155 - Popeye contra o gigante
Popeye and Wimpy go back in time to the ollie days, thanks to the Wiffle Bird.

156 - O vale dos monstros
Popeye accidentally joins a tough bloodthirsty crew who are traveling to Goonland for a cargo of Goonskin.

157 - A busca do vovô Popeye
Popeye discovers hes not an orphan after all. An old man who looks just like him lives on a faraway island, and now Popeye is on a quest to find him. Remake of the 1938 theatrical short Goonland.

159 - Mirror Magic
A fairy-tale kingdom is ruled by the lands strongest man, ruthless King Brutus, but his magic mirror informs him of a potential challenger in Popeye.

160 - Só dorme quando eles riem
Olive forces Popeye and Brutus to laugh their way to friendship.

161 - Dudu, o folgado
Rough House is prepared to resist any and all of Wimpys attempts to cheat him out of hamburgers. Wimpys con job begins with buying a single raw oyster.

162 - Magias e truques
The Sea Hag makes Olive Oyl her zombie slave and puts a voodoo spell on Popeye that keeps his arms stuck to his sides. Only Eugene the Jeep can help him now.

164 - A viagem do Popeye
Popeyes journey in this episode is based upon the Lilliputian adventure from the classic novel Gullivers Travels.

165 - O incidente com a cidade dos mísseis
Popeye and Olive are summoned to Spinachia by their old friend King Blozo who is in dire need of the sailors might after his kingdom started being invaded by a daily barrage of non-explosive missiles.

166 - Cachorro pega Popeye
On the way back to his ship, Popeye befriends a little puppy that has a can tied to his tail. The abandoned puppy insists on following the sailor despite the latters warnings that dogs are not allowed on his ship. After many attempts, Popeye evades the canine orphan and is on his way again, when dogcatcher Brutus nabs the pup. Each time Popeye gets the dog free, Brutus captures it again. Finally, with the aid of his spinach, Popeye rescues the dog. In the end, Popeye takes the puppy with him by tying a raft (with a doghouse on it) to the back of his ship.

167 - O que há de novo
Popeye and Olive travel to the small town Puddleburg where Popeye bought a newspaper company Puddleburg Splash. Olive plans to teach the townspeople how to read but bullies tear down the new school. Popeye defeats the bullies and starts her classes.

169 - Concurso de bebê
Wimpy is the judge in a baby contest, Popeye and Olive enter SweePea while Brutus enters his own child.