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Clannad (2007)

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A história de Clannad gira em torno de Tomoya Okazaki, um estudante do terceiro ano do ensino médio que não gosta sua vida. A mãe de Tomoya, Atsuko, morreu quando Tomoya era pequeno, deixando seu pai, Naoyuki, para cuidá-lo. Após o acidente, o pai de Tomoya se tornou viciado em álcool e jogo, e criou brigas com seu filho. Um dia, Naoyuki, novamente discutindo com seu filho, empurrou Tomoya contra a parede, deslocando o ombro de seu filho gravemente. Desde então, Tomoya e seu pai passaram a se tratar bem, mas de uma forma distante, como se eles fossem estranhos ao invés de uma família. Isso dói mais em Tomoya do que as antigas brigas com o pai, e o ressentimento de voltar para casa leva Tomoya a ficar constantemente fora de casa a noite toda. Além disso,a lesão no ombro incapacitou Tomoya de participar do seu clube de basquete, e o estimulou a se distanciar de sua escola e de outras atividades. Assim, sua vida de delinquente se inicia. O melhor amigo de Tomoya, Youhei Sunohara, que foi expulso do clube de futebol por uma briga, também é um delinquente e,muitas vezes fica em seu dormitório com Tomoya sem fazer nada. A história começa na segunda-feira 14 de abril de 2003, no início do ano letivo, quando Tomoya encontra por acaso Nagisa Furukawa, uma garota de fala suave um ano mais velha que ele, que está repetindo o ano escolar por ter ficado muito doente no ano anterior. Seu objetivo é participar do clube de teatro para o qual ela não pode entrar devido à sua doença, mas eles descobrem que o clube de teatro foi fechado depois que os membros remanescentes se formaram. Como Tomoya tem muito tempo para livre, ele decide ajudar Nagisa a retomar o clube de teatro. Durante esse tempo, Tomoya faz amizade com várias outras garotas e começa a conhece-las mais profundamente, ajudando-as com seus problemas individuais. Online

Yuichi Nakamura

Yuichi Nakamura

Tomoya Okazaki (voice)
Mai Nakahara

Mai Nakahara

Nagisa Furukawa (voice)
Ai Nonaka

Ai Nonaka

Fuuko Ibuki (voice)
Ryo Hirohashi

Ryo Hirohashi

Kyou Fujibayashi (voice)
Daisuke Sakaguchi

Daisuke Sakaguchi

Youhei Sunohara (voice)
Satomi Korogi

Satomi Korogi

Tomoko Kawakami

Tomoko Kawakami

Yukari Tamura

Yukari Tamura

Ryotaro Okiayu

Ryotaro Okiayu

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1 - On the Hillside Path Where the Cherry Blossoms Flutter

On the way to school one day, Tomoya Okazaki meets a strange girl talking to herself named Nagisa Furukawa. Later in the day, Tomoya has a conversation with Nagisa during lunch and learns that she is repeating her last year of high school, and wants to join the now-disbanded drama club. After school, Tomoya goes to Nagisas family bakery and meets her parents; he is invited to have dinner with them.


2 - The First Step

Nagisa admits to wanting to restart the drama club, and Tomoya helps Nagisa to create advertisement posters which they place around school. At school that day, Tomoya meets two other girls: a strange genius named Kotomi Ichinose, and a first-year named Fuko Ibuki. Later that day, Nagisa finds out Tomoya used to play basketball, and invites him to play a game the next day. However, it is later revealed that his father injured Tomoyas arm in a fight; as a result, he is unable to play basketball anymore.


3 - Once Again After Crying

After the previous nights events, Tomoya goes to see if Nagisa is okay, and finds out that she has been physically weak all her life. While walking back from the bakery, Tomoya helps get a strange electrician out of a jam and he gives Tomoya his card, finding his name to be Yusuke Yoshino; Youhei later reveals that Yusuke is a retired professional musician. After school the next day, Tomoya helps Nagisa get more self-confidence for the drama club by acting as a new member of the club asking questions.


4 - Let's Find Friends

Tomoya runs into Fuko again at school, and she tries to invite him to her older sisters upcoming marriage ceremony, but Tomoya is not interested. Tomoya gets Youhei to help reform the drama club by bribing him with bread from Nagisas family bakery. Nagisa tries to get the help of Ryou and Kyou in reforming the drama club, and Tomoya even tries to ask Tomoyo and Kotomi if they would like to join; Tomoyo is trying to become student council president, and Kotomi does not give an answer. Tomoya and Nagisa later go see Fuko about the club, and he discovers from Nagisa that Fuko is supposedly unconscious in a hospital.


5 - The Scenery with a Carving

In order to help Fuko out, Tomoya and Nagisa take her to stay at Nagisas house for the time being. Nagisas family helps with carving more starfish out of wood, and at school Tomoya and Nagisa help with passing them out to students. Later, Fuko talks about how she has wanted to attend classes, but has never been able to. Tomoya makes arrangements with Youhei, Kyou, and Ryou to act as classmates in Fukos very first high school class, and even Sanae comes to act as the teacher.


6 - The Older and Younger Sister's Founder's Festival

Tomoya and Nagisa invite Fukos older sister Kouko to the Founders Festival. In the meantime, Fuko hands out more carved starfish to students at the festival, and her fan club helps spread the word about Koukos wedding too. Nagisa and Tomoya meet Tomoyo, who is wearing a bear suit to find people who are causing trouble, and manages to knock Youhei out a window for bothering a girl. When Kouko finally comes, she cannot see or hear her sister.


7 - Star-Shaped Feelings

Tomoya and Nagisa convince Kouko that Fuko would wish for her to get married despite Fukos condition. They talk to the schools administration after finding out Kouko would like to get married on the school grounds. Kouko informs them that Fukos condition has gotten worse, and she may not awaken from her coma, while Youhei shares his observation that some students cannot see Fuko and others are beginning to forget her and the presents she gave them.


8 - The Wind That Vanishes Into Dusk

More people from school are not able to see Fuko anymore and now even those close to Fuko in the past are beginning to forget about her. First Youhei forget after he goes to see her in the hospital, followed by Kyou and Ryou. Tomoyo manages to remember with Tomoyas help however. Later, Youhei manages to remember Fuko for a moment, but is unable to remember any more. Tomoya and Nagisa buy Fuko a birthday party set to cheer her up. When they get back to the bakery, they discover that Nagisas father has forgotten Fuko, and while Nagisas mother has not forgotten completely, she cannot see her anymore. Tomoya and Nagisa decide to take Fuko back to school for now.


9 - Until the End of the Dream

Tomoya, Nagisa, and Fuko spend the night at school having a pre-celebration for Youkos wedding. In the morning, Tomoya and Nagisa have forgotten about Fuko and cannot see her. Both Tomoya and Nagisa later feel that there is something important that they are forgetting, and finally remember about Youkos wedding, which is also when they are able to see Fuko again. On the wedding day, initially the only students to arrive were Tomoya, Nagisa, and Fuko, but after the ceremony it is shown that everyone who had received a starfish came to the wedding. Fuko ultimately disappears after thanking Tomoya and Nagisa for what they have done, and congratulating her older sister. A rumor still persists at Tomoyas school of Fuko as a cute girl who is constantly running through the school.


10 - The Girl Genius' Challenge

Since no new members have joined the drama club, Tomoya goes to talk with Kotomi once again about joining. Tomoya takes her around school and helps her introduce herself to people to make more friends. Tomoya takes Kyou, Ryou, and Kotomi to the drama room after school, and after a round of introductions, Tomoya asks them to join the club. Kyou initially passes on the chance, but ends up giving in after her sister says she wants to join, and Kotomi joins as well. During the meeting, Kotomi leaves when she hears someone playing the violin, though when she is given the chance to play it, she is painfully horrible.


11 - The After School Rhapsody

Kotomi is still trying to play the violin, but has not improved at all; in short, her playing is painful to anyone listening. Kyou gets the idea to have Kotomi play at her first violin recital after school the day after tomorrow, and in the mean time Kotomi can practice. The day before the recital, Tomoya visits Kotomi at the schools library and eats her delicious homemade apple pie. Shortly after, Tomoya falls asleep and has a very strange dream. At the recital, Kyou blackmails several students into coming with her position as a class representative. In the end, Kotomi did not improve at all, and the recital was still very painful to listen to. When Kotomi and her friends are going home, a strange man approaches Kotomi, though leaves shortly after; Kotomi was terrified of him


12 - Hidden World

Kotomi returns the violin to Rie Nishina and becomes friends with her. Kotomi changes her usual routine and starts attending her classes. Due to Kyous idea, she, Ryou, Kotomi, Nagisa, and Tomoya go out together as a group and have fun in town. While out, Fuko makes an appearance in, but no one remembers her. The next day, Nagisa runs up to Kyou thinking Ryou got in a bus accident, though when they rush to the scene, they find no one was hurt; however, Kotomi has an emotional episode and collapses while screaming out. Kotomi leaves early that day, but when Tomoya, Nagisa and the Fujibayashi twins go to see her later, there is no answer at her house. After they leave, Tomoya goes back and runs into the strange man from earlier; he finds out the man is an acquaintance of Kotomis parents.


13 - Garden of Memories

Tomoya realizes that he met Kotomi as a kid, though only she had remembered. Back then, Tomoya had often visited Kotomi, and was her only friend. Around this time on Kotomis birthday, her parents left for business reasons, and later that day she finds out they were killed in a plane crash. Kotomi ultimately ended up burning her fathers important work before anyone could see it. While Kotomi shuts herself in her house, Tomoya comes over and starts cleaning up the garden which is overgrown with grass and weeds. Nagisa, Kyou and Ryou eventually help out too.


14 - Theory of Everything

Kotomi finally leaves the house to find that Tomoya worked in the garden all night long and had fallen asleep. When she returns to school, Tomoya, Kyou, Ryou and Nagisa are all waiting for her. The mysterious stranger whom she was so frightened of, believing he wanted to steal her parents thesis, is there as well. Kotomi and her friends find out that he is her legal guardian, and that there never were any written notes for the thesis after all. The envelope Kotomi set fire to, and felt so guilty about, was nothing important. The stranger also has a birthday gift for her: her parents suitcase, which survived the plane crash and was passed from hand to hand for years until he found it. Inside is a teddy bear, Kotomis gift request to them before they left, and an affectionate letter. Kotomi, holding the bear, is so happy that sparkles literally fill the room, and makes peace with her parents deaths at last.


15 - Stuck Problem

In order to help Nagisa reform the drama club, her friends offer their names in order to get enough members to qualify, but they still need a teacher to advice them with the club, which leads them to ask Toshio Koumura. However, he is already meant to be the adviser for the choir club, so Nagisa goes to talk with Rie Nishina about which club Koumura should advise. The next day, Nagisa finds a threatening letter in her desk, and Youhei finds out that it was Ries friend Sugisaka who is behind it. After talking with Nagisa about Ries past, Nagisa chooses to give up on reforming the drama club, though this does not sit well with Youhei. Tomoya and Youhei go to Yukine Miyazawa to kill time during school, and Yukine gives Youhei an idea related to basketball. The next day, Youhei approaches Tomoya and Nagisa about playing in a basketball match in order to get the choir club to back down, but Tomoya continuously refuses his offer.


16 - 3 on 3

When Mei shows up, she cleans her brothers filthy room, but cannot stay at her Youheis all-boy dorm, so Nagisa offers to have her stay at her home while she is in town. Tomoya and Youhei easily get Kyou to help with the basketball game, and she gets pumped up after a comment about pairing up with such loser guys. For half the game, Tomoya and the others play against first-year rookies, and manage to lead by eleven points, but then the basketball team switches with their starters and the score evens out. In the very last seconds of the game, Tomoya manages to make the last shot and win the game. Afterwards, Mei goes back to her hometown.


17 - A Room Without Anyone

After watching the basketball game, the choir club decides to share Koumura with the drama club, but the student council will not allow it. Nagisa collapses at school and cannot come to school for a few days. During this time, Tomoyo starts waking up Tomoya and Youhei before classes start so they will not be late anymore. Kyou continues to set up situations where Tomoya and Ryou are together, such as eating lunch together. Yukine tries to help Tomoya with a charm book, and he performs a charm to get locked in the gym equipment room with Kyou, which ends up happening. Kyou does not act like her usual self while in the room, and thinks that Tomoya may end up trying to have sex with her. Tomoya undoes the charm and the door is opened by one of Kyous classmates. Tomoya and Tomoyo start to walk home after school, but a a bunch of gang members are at the schools entrance looking to fight Tomoyo.


18 - Counter Measures

During the time that Tomoya is suspended from school, Tomoyo continues to come to his house, wake him up, and make him breakfast, though when she tries to ask him about his relationship with his father, he does not answer her. On Sunday when Tomoyo is making him lunch, Kyou, Ryou, and Kotomi arrive each bringing a bunch of food, and even Fuko appears with food; Tomoya ends up eating everything. Once back at school, he finds out how Tomoyos reputation is dropping due to rumors of her as a gang leader, and arranges for Tomoyo to compete against several school sports clubs to boost her reputation. After school, Tomoyo tells Tomoya about her family situation and how her brother risked his life to keep their parents from divorcing. Nagisa finally comes back to school and is welcomed by her friends. During a tennis match between Tomoyo and a male tennis club member, a stray ball hits Nagisa on the leg, and Tomoya overprotects her, showing everyone how devoted he is to her.


19 - A New Life

The drama club is finally re-established and Koumura is shared with the choir club. Tomoyas home room teacher goes to Tomoyas house to ask his father about his future, but Tomoyas father says that is something that Tomoya has to decide for himself. Seeing the strained relationship between Tomoya and his father, Nagisa offers to have Tomoya stay over at her house for the time being, which he accepts. After coming home from school, Tomoya finds several small kids in Nagisas house, and finds out Sanae is instructing them in a cram school. Nagisa confides to Tomoya that she feels she did something really bad to her parents in the past, but she cannot remember what it is, and her parents say that she must be imagining it.


20 - A Hidden Past

After hearing Nagisa talk about the story for the play she wants to perform, Tomoya tries asking Nagisas parents about it, but they do not know any story like that. After Akio catches Tomoya and Nagisa in the shed, he tells them to leave, and later brings Tomoya aside to tell him about what happened in the past. Ten years prior, Nagisa was running a high fever one snowy day, and in the midst of this, her parents had to work, so they left her alone for a couple of hours. When Akio returned, he found Nagisa collapsed outside as she had been waiting for them to return. Due to Nagisa nearly dying, both of her parents abandoned their jobs and their dreams in order to protect Nagisa. Akio tells Tomoya not to tell either Sanae or Nagisa about the story since he does not want it coming up again. Tomoya goes on a picnic with Nagisas family, and during a baseball game with some local young boys, Nagisa accidentally confesses her love to Tomoya indirectly.


21 - Face Toward the School Festival

Nagisa and her friends continue to practice for the play, such as reciting tounge twisters, choosing which music to use for the play, lighting, and stage direction. Nagisas father rents a play on video, and Nagisa finds it very touching, plus it was the first play she ever saw. Tomoya and Akio try to find the script of the play that Nagisa is going to perform in the shed, but do not find it. The drama club has a practice the day before the school festival is to begin and it goes well. The night before the school festival, Nagisa looks for a flashlight in the shed, but bumps into some boxes and discovers photographs and diaries of her parents pasts.


22 - Two Shadows

After Nagisa finds out about her parents secret past, she cannot take her mind off how she ruined their dreams, and becomes emotional and depressed. On the day of the school festival, the whole theater club realizes that Nagisa is not herself, and try to cheer her up, but to no success. As the performance starts, Nagisa breaks down, but with encouragement from Akio, who said that Sanaes and his dream was for Nagisa to make her dream come true, the play was a huge success. The next day as the sun is setting, Tomoya finally confesses his love to Nagisa in the club room. This comes as a shock for Nagisa, causing her to cry tears of joy.

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